Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • WELCOME TO 331

    Welcome to my home… I was getting just a small (ok, maybe a large) amount of pressure to post these pictures, and since I don’t have a personal blog, everyone is invited! So, here is my wonderfully old house – my husband and I share this rented house with a cat, a creature in the…


    Well, it’s been quite some time since I last posted, (maybe I just have to accept my fate as a terrible blogger?), but this time I have a grand excuse – or at least something worth noting on this blog even – Eddie and I moved to Sacramento (Roseville to be exact) this month! Just…

  • EUR O P E.

    Well…. I sort of went to Europe this summer. I took my camera too can you imagine that? The combination of these to has caused a few people to continually ask me when I’m posting pictures of this event. So for all you pestering and rather bothersome people, here is a smathering of photos for…


    I was photographing some seniors downtown and this poster just begged to be noticed, I can’t bear to imagine the fun I’ll be missing out on come May 14th.


    first posts are just supposed to be awkward, well, getting on with it…these are a few fun nature shots from a field in Sacramento. My husbandand I planned a fun weekend away with our friends and I ended up trompingaround in a field full of mosquitoes taking photographs. That kind of stufftends to happen to…

Got any book recommendations?